Elder Adam Tyler Seelos

California San Jose Mission

3975 McLaughlin Ave Ste A

San Jose, CA 95121-2631

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hey Family!
I can't believe it, but I am getting transferred  This was very unexpected. I don't want to go! Too much good stuff is going on right now and I don't want to leave. On Saturday night I got the call and then that night I could not sleep because of all the things I was going to miss. I couldn't stop thinking. I was a mess! I feel like my area is a gold mine and I was looking forward to working in it for a while. Also, I am so sad to leave my ward! They remind me of the Meadows Ward. They are so nice and there are a ton of kids and I am going to miss them. I am going to miss the sweet Christmas party, we had a sweet Christmas day set up with a few of the members, we just started to teach some really promising people and I won't be part of the teaching (but if they do get baptized, I would definitely be coming for those!). I am sad to leave. It is just weird that I am leaving because we didn't think that I would leave Elder Meyers because he goes home in January, so just one more transfer. It is sad. I loved this area. I don't know where I will be next though. I will find out on Tuesday.
So I got up and gave my testimony in church yesterday. It is really hard to do. I did not know really how I was going to say anything, so I felt like I was having a hard time speaking. That is one of the few times I have gotten up in a ward to bear my testimony. I didn't really ever do it when I was at home, at least not that often since I was 14, and I never got up in my college ward and said my testimony. So it was different for me to get up. I pretty much just talked about how the gospel is where we find true happiness and the most happiness. That has been a big deal for me lately.
Random funny fact you would appreciate Mom. So there was a girl in the ward name Beth Liddicoat and she is about 10 years old and she told me a few weeks ago she wanted me to come over to her house and sign her Captain America poster for her because she thinks I look like him. I thought that was pretty sweet. I might even wear my captain america glasses over there. But the sad thing is that I might not be able to do that now because I am getting transferred. I just thought you would think that was funny!
The coolest part of my week is when I was on exchanges with Elder Ford (quick side note, he just went to Tracy, CA to talk with some people to get looked at) and we got a message from our bishop to go and visit a man who is not a member, but has had contact with the church in the past. We were told he had lost his mother recently and that he had become depressed. We went over to his house at about 7:30 at night. We knocked. We rang. Then we waited. These moments are always difficult for me because we don't usually have to walk up to doors of people we don't know, so knowing what to say in these situations is tricky. Then a man came and opened the door. He welcomed us right away, and let us come in. I thought this was a little weird, especially since we didn't even introduce ourselves or say we were with the church, but I imagine that he had recognized us as missionaries with our name tags. So we began to talk to Bill Matthews. He is probably in his 50s and he lives alone. We talked to him about his situation and he told us about his life. We talked to him a little bit about the plan of salvation, but he seemed to already of had know that he will see his mother again. We talked about other gospel things and he seemed to know stuff about our church. We were talking about the early stages of our church and a little bit of church history and then Bill says "Joseph Smith is my hero, man. He is amazing!" In my mind I was like "oh my gosh, me too!" I thought that was so cool and this man wasn't even a member. I am sad that I will not be able to teach him though. It was a great night. He said many times throughout the meeting that it was just a miracle that we came over now. Then he brought up tha the would go to church, but he thought that there were not very many churchs in CA, but his mind was blown when we told him there was one just down the street form him, less than two miles away. He was blown away by that. He said that was another miracle  He came to church this Sunday for sacrament meeting. It was very cool. Moroni 7:30-31 is so true! (If this is not the scripture about miracles  my bad.) I love that I got to see this and also that Bill could see it was a miracle  I am so grateful for the gospel. It will change lives, it does change lives, and it has shaped mine. I hope that we can all hold fast to the gospel and let it be our strength and happiness. I love you all so much! I am excited to see what will happen as I change areas. Good luck to you all! Be awesome! Have a Merry Christmas!
Elder Adam Seelos    

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, this one is out of order, but we had to do a trial run. :)
